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55 questions about Arabic
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Abbas BarkatCertified Arabic Tutor with 10+ Years of Experience.Specializing in Modern and Quranic ArabicAs described in Quran ببكة مباركا which refers tp the holy city of Makka
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One trick which I found to break the ice is that I make up a fictional character, let's say a 7 year old boy, named differently than mine, then I'll ask the student to explain the content to him not mine This might sound a bit odd, but it actually works
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KkanmoAn outstanding medical student who can help you master the Arabic language.Not totally but if you learned the tenses for fusha you should be able to understand them in almost any dialect.
- Classical Arabic or Egyptian Arabic
Assalamu'3alaikum Wara7matullahi Wabarakatuh In Sha Allah everyone is doing absolutely amazing! Just curious on which Arabic to Learn... Classical Arabic or Egyptian? Which one will be best for Communication? I would love to communicate with people, as well as Understand The Glorious Qur'an and Ahadith as well, as we wouldn't get the sweetness of Islam, without Learning Arabic. We will, but not fully.
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KkanmoAn outstanding medical student who can help you master the Arabic language.Well , if your goal is to communicate with a specific nation you better focus on one dialect . since you mentioned learning Quran , stick with the Fusha
- Do you know that instead of saying “ You “ in English انت male انتي female انتم plural deep
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أنتَ for singular male أنتِ for singular femal أنتم for plural male أنتنّ for plural femal
- Hi guys! Why would you like to learn Arabic? and which is your fav country in middle east and why?