Greetings, I would like to know what this word is - بكة
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As described in Quran ببكة مباركا which refers tp the holy city of Makka
بكة بيت الله الحرام
بكة هي أحد اسماء مكة المكرمة وذُكرت في القرآن الكريم بهذا الاسم " إن أول بيت وضع للناس للذي ببكة مباركا وهدي للعالمين" سورة آل عمران آية ٩٦ It's an ancient name of Macca and Allah mentioned it in surah called ( آل عمران ) No. Of ayah is 96
It's the old name of Mecca
كلمه بكة يقصد فيها (مكة المكرمة) بكة هو أحد أسماء مكة
بكة هى مكه (مدينه مكه) و قد ذكرت فى القران بكه. It is Mecca. (a city in Saudi Arabia)
Bakkah is the same name of Makkah now. It was mentioned Bakkah in quraan.
there are two Opinions 1- this is the ancient name for the site of Mecca, the most holy city of Islam. 2- it only refers to the Kaaba in Mecca and the sacred area surrounding it. بكة is not to be confused with another Arabic verb بكى, which means to cry or weep.
- HumeraUrdu and Pashto Native speaker Basic Arabic with grammar English with grammar
Makkah was bakkah many years ago.
It's old name of makkah