Classical Arabic or Egyptian Arabic
Assalamu'3alaikum Wara7matullahi Wabarakatuh In Sha Allah everyone is doing absolutely amazing! Just curious on which Arabic to Learn... Classical Arabic or Egyptian? Which one will be best for Communication? I would love to communicate with people, as well as Understand The Glorious Qur'an and Ahadith as well, as we wouldn't get the sweetness of Islam, without Learning Arabic. We will, but not fully.
14 answers from our tutors
Best answer
Well , if your goal is to communicate with a specific nation you better focus on one dialect . since you mentioned learning Quran , stick with the Fusha
- Abbas BarkatCertified Arabic Tutor with 10+ Years of Experience.Specializing in Modern and Quranic Arabic
Sticking with fusha and learning it is the best way to learn Arabic. As if you start with fusha you will get a basic idea of all dialects automatically. Though after that you will need to learn that specific dialect after learning fusha
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته تعلم اللغة العربية الفصحى هو الأساس والأفضل على كل حال خاصة وهي لغة القرآن الكريم والأحاديث الشريفة والثقافة العربية الإسلامية أما اللهجة المصرية العامية فهي أسهل اللهجات العامية العربية وأكثرها انتشارًا ؛ فنجد كثير من الناس يلجأون إليها لأنها مفهومة لأغلب العرب لسهولة نطقها وتعلمها لكن هذا لا يكون إلا بعد تعلم اللغة العربية الفصحى أو بالتوازي معها بعد الوصول إلى مستوى ما بعد المبتدئ مرحبًا بك معي في دروس اللغة العربية الفصحة وكذلك اللهجة العامية المصرية
It depends on your goals and preferences. If you want to focus on understanding the Quran and Hadith, then you should learn Classical Arabic.
- HumeraUrdu and Pashto Native speaker Basic Arabic with grammar English with grammar
Classical comes first because of the importance of understanding Quran. وعلیکم السلام ورحمتہ اللہ وبرکاتہ
يجب تعلم اللغه العربيه الفصحى اولا فهي لغه القران وان تعلمتها سيسهل عليك تعلم اي لهجه بالعالم سواء مصريه او فلسطينيه
Greetings ( وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته ) ( wa 3alikom Al-Salam wa Rahmet Allah wa Barakatoh) Tha basic is Arabic Classical (الأساس اللغة العربية الفصحى ) And you have 22 or more dialects ( Egyptian , Jordanian , Palestinian , Syrian , Emirati , Iraqian , Algerian , Moroccan .... etc ) ولديك 22 لهجة أو لكنة من اللغات العربية ) المصرية ، الأردنية ، الفلسطينية ، السورية .... إلخ And to start you should start with blur dialect To learn well and make Right progress in Arabic or Any language Then you can expand with native in any dialect And Self-learning ولتبدأ بداية صحيحة بتعلم اللغة يجب أن تبدأ بلغة صافية لتحقق تقدم رائع في اللغة العربية أو أي لغة ،، ثم تتوسع مع متحدث أصلي للهجة محددة مع التعلم الذاتي You Are welcome with us in All Dialects أهلا وسهلا بك بكل اللهجات المصرية Egyptian Dialect ( أهلا يا بيه ) الأردنية Jordanian ( هلا بيك ) الفلسطينية Palestinian ( مرحبا بَك ) السورية Syrian ( هلا خيو ) الإماراتية Emirati ( مرحبا الساع )
- mariam heggyMariam2005
As an Egyptian Classical Arabic would be better all arabian will understand you as it's the main one and when you get used to it Egyptian one would be the better acsent and would be better for you and it has so many easy words and also you will find many American bloggers taking with it
Classical Arabic for sure. Arabic is the language of Quraan, every one in any Arabs country knows it so you can communicate easily in different places. Egyptian is simple but dosen't work in many community.
waealaykkum alsalam well, you should focus on your goal. I mean you can not use the same choice for both; reading The Quran and communicating with Arabs. communicating with people needs dialect to be fully understood and just have smooth conversations so choose any dialect you like. to be honest with you, if you contact them with Fusha(modern standard Arabic), some will mock or laugh at you literally cause we don't(neither I nor any Arabs do). we contact only in the Egyptian dialect(cause I am Egyptian) in daily conversation. That doesn't mean people won't understand you talking Fusha but you will be just a weirdo. But if your goal is learning Quran, Hadith, and academic books, then fusha is your way to achieve your goal. Best of luck
- RamziaArabic language teacher
Alaikum Asalam dear. You should learn classical Arabic to both communicate and understand Quran and Islam cause the dialect isn't the same as Fusha. It has many different parts from it. So, never learn the dialect before you know about the language. When you become fluent you can choose the dialect you prefer to learn.