What would you do when a student is super shy and unable to engage with you ?
11 answers from our tutors
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One trick which I found to break the ice is that I make up a fictional character, let's say a 7 year old boy, named differently than mine, then I'll ask the student to explain the content to him not mine This might sound a bit odd, but it actually works
اذا الطالب خجول جدا .أنا كنت خجولة جدا و تخلصت من الخجل مع مرور الوقت ممكن أن أساعدك في اعطائك نصائح عن طريق خبراتي في الحياة
- Gaby HCertified Elementary school teacher. Certified primary school teacher.
It is important to be patient. Ask the student simple questions. Give them compliments. Don't rush anything. It will take time but the shyness will fade eventually.
I would understand that he might need some time to warm up and feel comfortable with me. I would not rush or interrupt him when he is speaking, and I would listen attentively and show interest in what he is saying.
أسأله عن السبب وماذا يتوقع أحاول تغيير طريقتي بما يناسبنا معا ولا يفيد عملية التعلم
محاولة معرفه اهتماماته والتحدث إليه ومشاركه تفاصيل معه
I continue with him until he gets rid of shyness
I would try helping the shy student to feel more comfortable by starting a relaxing conversation and asking easy questions to boost their self confidence. It's important to encourage them by commendation and it would be advantageous to let them choose a topic close to their heart so they would be more motivated to participate. Do you agree?
By keeping encouraging them that speaking another language is very good and entertaining, and also keep suggesting an entertaining conversation that attract them, ask them about what attracts them and their hobbies in order to make them communicate with you. Keep reminding them that speaking would open many opportunities for them to improve their language faster and better.
مشاركته في أنشطة محببة لديه ،استمع له ،اترك له فرصة للتحدث ،أجعله يشعر بثقته بنفسه پأنه يستطيع أن يفعل الكثير للتطور من نفسه
I will break the ice by sharing his interests and asking about his hobbies. I will try to make him laugh so that he can trust and feel comfortable and enjoiable during the class. Every thing is possible with patience.