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2729 questions about English

  • I don't understand what is "you are so mean"

    How to understand "you are so mean" and "that's do mean"? Explain it to me please

  • When can I use splurge properly sentences?
    Best answer

    Splurge is to spend freely or extravagantly, and properly is a synonym (another word) for accurately, correctly, efficiently etc. If your question was "when can I use 'splurge' properly in a sentence?" The answer would be when when you do something 'extra' than you do normally. Examples: I've splurged about $2500 on clothes. Blood began to splurge out her veins. I won the lottery and I will splurge on the party tonight. Hope it helped you

  • I want to change my name,but i can’t find where can change it
    Best answer

    Hello! Unfortunately, you can't change your username. When you sign up, make sure you come up with a username you like.

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  • i want someone to practice with me in English
    Best answer

    It means I need a tutor to help me improve my language skills.

  • What is the meaning of “mrw” ?
    Best answer

    Hi Jackson, "mrw" means "My Reaction When". It often appears in a single sentence or in a story, followed by a reaction image that communicates how the poster feels. I hope I answered your question clearly! Have a nice day

  • Is there any difference between "I have" and "I have got"?

    For example, "I have an interesting book for you" and "I have got an interesting book for you." What's the difference? Can I use both variants?

  • "Don't get it twisted" — What does it mean? I've never heard this phrase before
    Best answer
    Nina_RingnyuCountry flag: cm
    English tutor

    Hello Lidia765. Don’t get it twisted simply means don’t misinterpret or draw a wrong conclusion about someone or something.

  • Cómo puedo usar reported speech en una noticia de un periódico? Debo hacer uno y aplicar reported

    Debo aplicar el reported speech a cada artículo que haga en el periódico, por ejemplo si la noticia es de la sección Internacional y dice "The Biden administrativo last month unveiled a proposed legislative package that would allow the federal government to sell these seized assets and use the proceeds for military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine." Cómo lo puedo aplicar , ayúdenme por favor..

    Best answer

    Hola Judymar, Como me imagino que sabes cuando pasas de 'estilo directo' a 'estilo indirecto/reported speech' hay unos cambios de tiempos verbales que hay que hacer para que el discurso sea coherente. Si no te los sabes de memoria puedes hacer la traducción de cómo lo harías en Español al Inglés y te funcionará bien. En el ejemplo que propones tenemos un pasado simple: 'unveiled' que pasaría a ser un past perfect en Inglés, the newspaper (for example) informed that the Biden ..... HAD UNVEILED a proposed legislative (EL RESTO QUEDA IGUAL - WOULD&COULD - NO CAMBIAN). Te paso una corta lista de cómo cambian los tiempos a estilo indirecto o reported speech: De Pres.Simp (it unveils )a Past.Simple ( it unveiled) De Pas.Simp. (it unveiled - YOUR EXAMPLE) a Past.Perfect (it had unveiled) De Pres.Cont. (it is unveiling) a Past.Cont. (It was unveiling) Hay bastantes más, como puedes imaginar pero los caracteres permitidos para contestar son limitados. Good luck! :-)

  • What is the difference between wonderful and beautiful?

    Hi! Hope you can advise me. Is there any difference between "wonderful" and "beautiful"? Thanks in advance.

    Best answer

    Hi Kikimora, To put it plainly, in normal conversation you can receive wonderful news (as in you passed your exam) but not beautiful news. Beautiful = How something looks or is perceived (A beautiful painting) Wonderful = A experience / feeling of awe (think of the 7 wonders of the world, they are awe inspiring but not necessarily pretty / beautiful). A person can be both Beautiful and Wonderful, beautiful referring to how they look, wonderful referring to how they act / treat others. Hope this helps to clarify. Regards, Herman

  • what is past for put?

    how to use put in the past? does it have past tense forms?

    Best answer

    Hi Usman123, There is no past tense for put. Rather look at your sentence structure. Present - I put my phone on charge Past - I had put my phone on charge Future - I will put my phone on charge Hope this helps.