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2729 questions about English

  • Is it ok to say very many?

    Can I say very many of something or it's incorrect?

    Best answer

    Hi Nyle! At least from an American English standpoint, 'very many' could be kind of awkward to say. Very being a quantifier to describe many is somewhat redundant to say. It generally would be much better to say 'a lot of'........However it's common to use it in a negative sense.....'There aren't very many.....pens, cars, bottles, etc.

  • Can I use the word "gorgeous" to describe a man, not a woman?

    Usually, I heard the word "gorgeous" is used toward women, not men. Can I say that a man is gorgeous?

    Best answer

    The word handsome or good looking usually works better for men as gorgeous tends to sound very feminine and might come off as demeaning to extremely masculine men.

  • Hi, I want just know, how could i start my English lesson? And to know the payment modality.
    Best answer

    Hello, You get on teachers profile and click "trial lesson" which is usually cheaper than other lessons you get. Set date and hour that you like and which is on teacher's schedule. If you want more details, I am here. Contact me on private

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  • Hi! What is "are you up"?

    I saw this expression and not sure I understand it correctly. What is the meaning of "are you up"? How to answer this question?

    Best answer

    Hi Milania! "Are you up?" is actually one of the silly expressions that you will come across in the English language. It could simply mean "Are you awake?", which, of cause, a sleeping person would not be able to answer. However, people might sometimes reply saying "No, I am sleeping!", indicating that even though they are not asleep as yet, they are trying to do so. On the other hand, if the expression is used in text or on social media, it usually means "Are you online?" or "Do you want to chat?". I hope this helps. Take care, and all the best on your language learning journey.

  • i want say that i did something with my friend. how to say it? i and my friend or me and my friend?

    do i need to say i or me? thank you

    Best answer

    Hi Pikachuuu, "My friend and I" is grammatically correct when it is placed before the verb and is the subject of the sentence. Take this sentence for example: My aunt invited my friend and me to dinner. The first person singular pronoun "I" is used when it is the subject of a verb. The first person singular pronoun "me" is used when it is the object of a verb or preposition .In the example above, "my friend and me" is the object of the verb "invited" and "my aunt "is the subject. When using compound subject or object, sometimes is difficult to know which personal pronoun to use. Example of sentences with "me" in the object position: -The teacher wants my friend and me to give the new student a tour. -Sam asked Jeff and me a question. Example of sentences with" I" in the subject position: -My wife and I gave the cake to Mary -Jeff and I asked Sam a question. Hope this helps you.

  • Should I use article "a" with the word "university"?

    I was writing a sentence with the word university and was confused by the question whether I need to use article a or an. Could you help me? Is it a university or an university? Thank you!

    Best answer

    Hello Solamio, I wouldn't use any of them unless you use an adjective or specify the place or name your are referring to before the word university. i.e.: an old university or a prestigious university - the University of Harvard. No article (definite or indefinite) is used before university or school but in the cases above mentioned. I went to university/school many years ago. You can use 'a' in cases like this: A university is a place where you will enjoy learning. The letter 'u' is not considered to be a vowel in phonetics. I hope you find this useful. Greetings

  • How I can introduce myself self to new person
    Best answer

    Actually, there are several ways to introduce yourself . It depends on what atmosphere you have. If you want to meet formally, it is better to say "Hello, my name is ...." or you can start with the question "May I introduce myself?. If it is informal situation you may say "Hi", "Hey", "Hello", "What's up", "I am ..." It will be good if you say 'Nice to meet you, NAME, too" in both variants. Also don't forget to use new friend's name and to smile=)

  • does deal has a past tense form?

    if i want to say deal in the past how it is correct? is deal irregular verb?

    Best answer

    Hello Batrud, The verb 'to deal' is an irregular verb, just as you thought. The three forms of the verb are: Base form = to deal Past simple form = dealt Past participle form = dealt It can be used as a verb (in the forms shown above) or as a noun. VERB definitions: with object = to give one a share = 'deal me in' (include me), without object = (followed by with or in) = 'The teacher dealt with the student's behaviour' or 'The banker deals in shares' NOUN definition = a business transaction or an agreement = The agreed on the deal after several meetings. I hope that helps you. Best wishes Laura

  • How to shorten "kindergarten"?

    Is there any abbreviation for the word "kindergarten" to make it shorter?

    Best answer

    Actually "kindergarten" is a German word. In English this is spelled like "kidsgarden". But there is no wide abbriviation for this meaning. So it is better to use full word or to tell your friends to use short name "KG"

  • I'd like to know if have some teacher that has background with web development to practice interview

    I'm looking for a teacher that has experience with web development (frontend skills) that could help my friend to practice english inteveiews on this area (frontend with react.js or angular 2+)

    Best answer

    Hi Eacp, fell free to contact me if you need help with front end .I am used to using HTML/CSS/JS and Node Js. I can Help your friend with his interview because am a front end Developer too.Hope to see you in my classroom. Thanks