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3167 questions about English
- What is your favourite animal? Animals are beautiful creatures I want to know your favourite.
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I love Elephants, they are so huge yet very gentle. They are intelligent enough to play with humans and know not to harm them unless they feel threatened. Such beautiful creatures.
- When you ask a question on the platform, dont you just love it when people respond?
I think it is polite to give everyone a like, even if you don't agree, the person made an effort to be helpful, so I will like the response, right or wrong
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I sure do love it when people respond. It shows respect and that you are seen and recognise
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How old is learner and what level is learner at? This will then teachers to recommend books, my learner loves reading, but not English, so i gave her the list of audio books.
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Hello It depends! Students and their needs are different, also weaknesses and strongnesses I start texting them spotting their difficulties Best Regards
- What's your preferred theoretical basis for each lesson? How do they form the studying trajectory?
Student Book chapter, your own lesson on one topic, a topic from a free resource etc.
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This is an interesting question, it depends on your students. Tutors need to carry out a needs analysis on the first session to see what their students need in order to reach their goals, then plan accordingly.
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British ! I love it
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I use Chat GPT to generate conversation prompts,discussion questions or short dialogues related to the lesson topic.
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It’s always good to review your video especially if your views pick up slowly or are at a stand still. A helpful tip would be to ask the help chat to review your video if you can’t seem to find something wrong with it. It would also be beneficial to change your video form time to time because you grow as a teacher and the more you grow the more you change and become more confident in your abilities.
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As an online teacher in Iran, we are not required to pay tax. It's legal but feels illegal.
- What are some of the best books you've read, and is criminally underrated?
My selection would be "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn."
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My life, and I am still writing it