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2730 questions about English

  • If you could live anywhere in the world permanently, which place would you choose?

    Long-term relocation perspective

    Best answer

    I'd choose Switzerland. With its beautiful nature and peacefulness . . . Perfection!

  • What’s the difference between a glottal stop and a bus stop?
    Best answer

    when two words have stop in them doesn't nesseserly mean that they are the same glottal is something that we hear in the Arabic language a lot and a bus stop is where buses stop! repeating words in English is the key to learning them faster

  • czech /tʃek/ 😳 Why ??? It drives me crazy to pronounce it correctly & each time I face a challenge

    😂😐 Is there any rule 4 it? 🤔

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  • Please introduce some helpful movie & serie in terms of a sumpplimentary item in learning English.

    Except of Friends and HIMYM. Your ouw experiences matters most to me. Thx in advance.

  • Advice vs advise , how can you best use them please provide examples as well. Thank you
    Best answer

    First of all you have o understand that one is a noun n one is a verb. Advice (C) is a noun, which means an opinion or a recommendation. For example, Phoebe gave Niece an advice to take a Spanish class next year to further brush up her language skills. While Advise (S) is a verb, which means to give or offer information. For example, I will advise you to sign up for my English lesson class where I will be able to offer more lessons on this kind of word usage. I hope I was able to help.

  • Dear tutors Why is it said A University not An University?

    Since ‘A’ can’t be used before a vowel e.g An Egg not A egg, An Elephant, An orange, An Umbrella, So then why do we now say A University, A Unique, A uniform?

    Best answer

    In this context it is more about the phonetics and the pronunciation of the word "University" more than the first letter of the word. The Phonetic pronunciation of the word university is "Yoo-Nuh-Vur-Suh-Tee", so the first phoneme gives a non-vowel sound and hence the reason for the use of A and not An. I hope I was able to help

  • What is the meaning of "On the Rocks"? :)
    Best answer
    MonaCountry flag: ir
    Ph.D in TEFL

    ▶️ In a state of difficulty or ruin which is likely to fail soon ex: Her marriage is on the rocks🙁 ▶️ If you have your alcoholic drink on the rocks, you have it with ice cubes 🧊🍷

  • What is the meaning of "Out of my League"?
  • what is the colour of milk?
    Best answer

    OMG, I can answer it well as I'm a Physicist too. When light from a source strikes tiny particles in something like in milk, it gets reflected as well as refracted. Since milk is a good reflector, all the incoming light reflects without absorption. So, it makes milk appear white.

  • What area of grammar do you find the most interesting to learn about?