Good afternoon. What is the correct form of saying: Hello, you have left a request on our website.
Is the wording correct here or there should be a different phrase?
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Good afternoon! The correct form of saying would be: "Hello, you have submitted a request on our website." Additionally, we can use phrases like "made", "put in", or "sent" in place of "submitted" in the example above. However, the words "submitted" and "sent" seem to be more appropriate in this context.
It can be hello dear sir/madam, you have successfully submitted a request on our website. Could you please attend to it.
Hello Sir/Madam, you have successfully submitted a request on our website, how may we help?
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Start testIt can be hello dear sir/madam, you have successfully submitted a request on our website
We typically say To make a request Or To submit a request
- Jamari AndrewsI am a certified bi-lingual TEFL English teacher! Let me show you the keys to confidence & fluency!
Yes, but better worded would be; “Hello, you’ve made a request on our site. How may we help you?”
It can be, but I recommend saying: " Hello dear, you have successfully submitted a request on our website.
I think that “submitted “ is a good choice