What are several great ways to reduce TTT( Teacher Talking Time) during an online class?

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First knowing or understanding that the teacher is a guide not an authority the teacher is there to guide students through the lesson instead of simply delivering information. Ine of the ways to achieve this is by Practicing -Peer teaching. This teaching method provide opportunities for students to help other students by summarizing, paraphrasing, and reteaching material. During a peer teaching activity, your role as a teacher is to monitor the activity and make corrections. Peer teaching can happen at the end of a grammar presentation, lesson, or unit as a review. Secondly, making learning grammar discovery process This can be done by Following up with activities that check their understanding and allow students to practice the new grammar point. Thirdly, create an accepting classroom atmosphere TTT is high in classrooms where students don’t feel comfortable speaking. Students may be naturally shy, feel intimidated, or be afraid of making mistakes.

  • I have a game, I think many of us have played it: You ask a question: Coke or Pepsi? They give a one word answer: Pepsi You say: Oh nooo, why Pepsi? They answer: I just prefer the taste. They then get the next question: Fish or Chips..? It's easier for us tutors, of course, but I found students really enjoy playing it. Even though it sounds like a balanced game, we tutors find our answers much more quickly, so students have to take more thinking time and more talking time. Also, as tutors you can say things like Grammar or Spelling... And get a fun insight into what they do and don't like. It's also something I'll play with my friends Netflix or Amazon Prime Ford or Honda Rock or Pop The fun is you have to choose one answer, even if you like both.

  • Elicit answers from students instead of just telling them (have the answers already on the whiteboard). This can also be used to test if they understood the work). Make them read questions or instructions. Give them a task to bring something from home to class to talk about, for example a photo of their pet. When working with groups, give them a task to do a group presentation where they will have to discuss with group members while the teacher monitors.

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  • Get the student to prepare a presentation before each class.

  • By allowing the student to talk as much as possible and to ensure they talk about something they like, you can even put on timer on your phone to make their talking time more and yours less

  • Hi. I would like to share my personal opinion and advise with you. To reduce Teacher Talking Time (TTT) during online class you should: 1. Incorporate interactive activities like discussion, pools, and quizzes. 2. Utilize breakout rooms for group work and discussions. 3. Encourage students questions and peer-to-peer interaction. 4. Use visual aids such as slides and videos to supplement explanations. 5. Chunk information into smaller segments for better understanding. 6. Implement active learning strategies like simulations and role-plays. 7. Provide clear instruction to minimize lengthy explanations. 8. Use Socratic questing to simulate critical thinking. 9. Assign peer teaching tasks and foster student engagement. 10. Emphasize student-centered learning approaches foe active participation and reduced TTT.

  • Just to make it clear, It is not about reducing or increasing, but it is about having a balance between TTT and STT.

  • Clear communication, use of technology and interactive activities

  • By encouraging the learner to speak about anything that is on their mind,engage in dialogue.

  • There are a few strategies you can use to reduce TTT (Teacher Talking Time) during an online class. One is to use the "pair and share" method, where students are paired up and given a task or question to discuss, then they share their answer with the class. This allows the teacher to step back and give students the opportunity to engage with the material and each other. You could also use other techniques like think-pair-share, jigsaw activities, or group problem-solving. These methods allow students to work together and share ideas, without the teacher being the main focus of the class.

  • Reducing Teacher Talking Time (TTT) during an online class is essential for fostering student engagement and participation. Here are several effective strategies: 1. Use Interactive Tools: Incorporate interactive tools like polls, quizzes, and whiteboards to engage students actively in the lesson rather than delivering information solely through lecture. 2. Breakout Rooms: Divide students into smaller groups for discussions, group activities, or problem-solving tasks. This encourages peer-to-peer interaction and minimizes the need for the teacher to speak continuously. 3. Flipped Classroom Approach: Assign pre-recorded lectures or readings for students to review before class, allowing more time for interactive activities and discussions during the live session. 4. Socratic Questioning: Encourage critical thinking by asking open-ended questions that prompt students to analyze, evaluate, and discuss course materials instead of providing all the answers yourself.

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