What are some basics involving the Arabic language that would be good to know before visiting Egypt?

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5 answers from our tutors

  • Greetings: "As-salamu alaykum" (Salam) = Hello "Izayyak?" = How are you? "Alhamdulillah" = I'm good "Shukran" = Thank you "Afwan" = You're welcome Numbers: Learn numbers 1 to 10: Wahed, Itneen, Talata, Arbaa, Khamsa, Sitta, Sabaa, Tamanya, Tisaa, Ashara. Prices & Directions: "Bikam?" = How much? "Fein?" = Where? Knowing these basics will help you communicate more easily in Egypt.

  • You need basic knowledge in Egyptian dialogue It is quite different from official Arabic language

  • First you are welcome, Egypt is beautiful country, kind and funny people If you will come , start with some phrases and practice with Egyptians then alphabet and the basics

  • welcome to egypt just you need speak and practice Arabic and egyptian Accent i can help you

  • I can provide you with tips and planning for ur next visit to Egypt farther more gives you the basics Arabic (native) expressions to be able to communicate with Egyptians , I ll walk you through 1. Greetings 2. Basic phrases 3. Numbers 4. Basic courtesies 5. Common words 6. Directions and transportation 7. Cultural sensitivity 8. Your questions and words you want to learn

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