How to use "boku" vs. "ore" in Japanese?
Hello everyone! I don't understand where to use "boku" and where to use "ore". Could you help me please?
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To friends and colleagues are ORE. The word ORE is a casual express. When you talk to your boss and superiors, in my opinion WATAKUSHI is the best to use about the situation. WATAKUSHI is the most polite word to use. About BUKU, little children use the word BOKU. Used when they express themselves. However, sometimes business men use BOKU as well. I think they are still immature as a business man a little.
"boku" is mostly used by little boys. It is rare for a girl to use "boku" and "ore" as they could be seen unique, rather they use the word "watashi". Ore is more general used term around boys and men which also shows an informal or casual expression. If you want to speak formal, Watashi may be the best word to use rather than Boku. Watashi is used by both men and women.
BOKU (僕)is usually not used by adults and should be avoided in my opinion . WATASI 私 is for more formal situation ,but wouldn't be considered rude in any situation ,so its a good bet . ORE 俺 is used by men and would be rude to say to a superior or someone you dont know well ,but some people often use it with their friends
Japanese has many different pronouns to refer to oneself and also to other people. Boku (僕) ore (俺) are both used to refer to oneself as a male, but the politeness level and context (and oh boy Japanese has a lot of these) are different Boku used with someone older than you, when you want to sound soft and polite. Boku can also mean boy, being used as another type of pronoun Example: 僕、元気ですか?-boku, genki desu ka? Boku (boy), are you fine? Now ore can't be used like that. Ore is a even softer and informal way of calling oneself Random curiosity: if you want to sound like a self righteous douche, you can refer to yourself as "oresama" - your god
in addition to what Noriko san has replied, boku is used by male speakers only
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