Why do you want to learn Arabic?

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I see your picture in Hijab so you're a Muslim and this is the first reason to learn Arabic. As a Muslim, you have to read Quran in your prayer only in Arabic and you will only be able to do so when you learn this holy language. The second is to learn about Islam, the prophet PBOH said his scriptures only in Arabic, so to be a better Muslim you will have to learn Arabic. The third reason is to communicate with Arabic people whether they're Arabs (KSA, UAE..etc), Egyptians, Algerians,... etc. That provides you with proper clients with an elite attitude to close some deals with whatever your business is. The fourth one is that there are many nice places all around the Arabic world that can be your next vacation destination. The best way to communicate with the locals is to learn Arabic as not most of them are multi-linguistics. Finally, Arabic is a very rich language, Arabic literature is the best. So, if you're into literature and a readaholic, Arabic is your best choice.

  • Arabix is not only a language but it is a culture rich language. By learning Arabic you will go through the heritage and culture of thousands of years. It is also deeply related with Islam as the Holy book Quran is in arabic. It would also surely help you if you visit a Arab country in communicating. It is indeed just more than a way of communication.

  • to visit the Arab countries ,to work in an Araic company or to speak with the Arab people

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