Why do you prefer online teaching??
10 answers from our tutors
Easier and allow people to have a flexible schedule and be able to get any experience or meet with people from any place in the world
That's related to our time nowadays we depend on internet to much so you can teach or learn online like any other work such as trading,advertising etc.... So why not to do?
توفير وقت وجهد وتتعلم وانت مكانك في بيتك ومعك كوب الشاي وجالس علي الأريكة
It’s definitely more convenient transportation and safety wise! It also helps that you’re at the comfort of your home with all the tools you need, and you don’t have to worry about traffic every time so you can be on time!
Easier saving time and efforts for both parties!
Much easier and more convenient, especially as a college student. And also for the students themselves, it's a lot easier to take a lesson from the comfort of your own house rather than wasting time in getting ready and leaving the house ect.
because it's more convenient than F2F teaching, especially 1on1 sessions.
- Jana HamattoCertified Arabic Teacher to Non-Native Speakers
It’s much more flexible for both the student and the teacher, for you can teach from the comfort of your home, and have access to all your documents, websites and interactive games. Also, you’ll get the chance to meet students from different countries and cultures and have the privilege of spreading your mother tongue around the world. In addition to that, online teaching is usually one-on-one sessions, which makes lessons much more student-centered, less distracting and more beneficial.
It’s very easy to access and you can reach it any time It’s also cheaper
Easy to learn at home anytime with parental supervision. We can choose a convenient time.