what's the difference between a concrete noun and a abstract noun? Good Luck!

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A concrete noun is an actual, physical object such as a house, a dog, or an apple. Whereas, an abstract noun is an idea, quality or state such as love, truth, or happiness.

  • Concrete nouns include the names for people, places, living things, and tangible objects.Whereas abstract nouns include the name of emotions, ideas, beliefs, concepts, and things you can't touch.

  • Concrete nouns are physical and can be directly observed. Some good examples are animals, food or places. Abstract nouns are often experienced or understood through perception. Examples of abreast nouns are happiness, beauty, religion and love

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  • **Concrete Nouns:** - A concrete noun refers to something that we can perceive through our five senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. - Examples include objects (like "chair," "car," "pen"), people (like "teacher," "doctor," "friend"), animals (like "dog," "cat," "bird"), or places (like "park," "school," "city"). **Abstract Nouns:** - An abstract noun represents something intangible, meaning it cannot be touched, seen, heard, tasted, or smelled. - Examples include concepts (like "love," "hope," "time"), feelings (like "happiness," "anger," "fear"), qualities (like "intelligence," "beauty," "strength"), or states of being (like "childhood," "success," "poverty"). To summarize, concrete nouns refer to tangible things, whereas abstract nouns represent intangible ideas, emotions, or concepts.

  • well done, Great answers!

  • Hello Ahmed, trust you are good! Concrete nouns are things we can touch, smell, see, hear and even taste, physical things. (examples, apples, shoes, cars, even music) Abstract nouns are things we can feel, our emotions/ feelings. (Love, hope, joy, happiness, care, empathy)

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