How do you teach grammar to a student?

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  • To teach grammar, start with the basics and use clear explanations, visual aids and practice exercises. Make it interactive through games and real-life examples. Be patient, provide feedback and adapt to the students learning style. It will help them build a strong grammar foundation and help them build on their language skills.

  • Hi Gillian, I teach grammar by giving students sentences in real-life situations and helping them apply the grammar rules in the context.

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  • I feel that it is important to try and elicit the grammar point from the student first, and then give them the name and an explanation of this grammar point, concept checking along the way. To practice the point, I find it useful to give my students various worksheets to complete, and also to play a little game using the point as well. In the following lesson, I give my students a little activity about the previously done grammar point to review it and make sure that they still understand.

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