What teaching methods do you find most effective for helping students improve their language skills

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Hello it depends on the students level. some student require the TLT method and others just require to gain some confidence so we use conversational lessons.

  • Of course it depends on the student because everyone learns differently, so the most important thing to do is to ask/understand what the student needs to work on. The main thing is to target the student's specific need and practice it. For speaking, it is helpful to practice having conversations about different topics so students can expand their vocab/grammar. Allow students to make mistakes and talk as much as they can and provide corrections on pronunciation/accuracy afterwards. This allows students to improve their fluency. Similarly, have students practice writing about different topics. For listening, playing audio/video clips and checking for comprehension lets students practice listening for understanding. Having conversations with students can also help students practice listening for understanding. For reading, provide different text materials and check for comprehension. You can also provide vocab/grammar lists.

  • Hello, I personally believe that it is dependent on the student. I enjoy doing Reading/Listening comprehensions with discussions, Flashcards, and speaking and writing games with my students. I find these fun and engaging for all ages

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  • I personally believe, that a mixture of different methods and approaches is always the best in teaching

  • Hello, based on my experience free talk is the best way to improve speaking ability ,also it can help you to improve your word power .for writing you can read articles and books and for listening you can use apps like VOA or BBC learning English .

  • The basic language skills are listening, reading, writing and speaking. Here some methods that can be employed to improve students' language skills, eventhough it all depends on the level at which the students are functioning: 1. A listening and speaking comprehension activity ( Teacher reads a short passage and students listen and respond orally) can be used to improve the speaking and listening skills. 2. Oral story telling or a game called "The Chinese Telephone " can be used to improve listening and speaking skills. 3. Using a stimulus, for example, a pictograph to write their own story can be used to develop reading and writing skills 4. Students should always be encouraged to proof read their work.

  • It depends on the students, but my favorites are reading and discussion sessions

  • I have conversational starters for a new student. In this way, I can gauge the student's level, example A1, B2 or advanced level. Then after noticing his or her level, I give lessons on grammar which will include tenses, singular & plural verbs. If advanced level, I will set some lessons on collective nouns, Idioms, Proverbs, Phrasal verbs and so on. We can also pose general knowledge questions like names of leaders, Cities, currency etc.

  • Depending upon the student's level, I find reading and discussing articles that are related to the student's educational or professional goals. I like to use CNN for med-level ability and the NY Times for higher-level students. Usually, in any article, when the student is reading the article aloud, there will be 2-3 words in any paragraph the student doesn't know or mispronounces, and I help them understand how that word is used in that sentence/paragraph and I later assign the words I found the student struggled worth as homework and to put in their own sentences and we discuss them at the beginning of the next class. Students progress quickly with his method.

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