What strategies do you use to teach vocabulary effectively?

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When it comes to teaching vocabulary, visual learning is the answer. The use of pictures makes the lessons more engaging

  • It depends on the student youโ€™re teaching. Some students are visual learners other learn better through sounds and numbers. I would use a combination of pictures, music and food to teach vocabulary

  • If they write words more and more and after that they can memorize it.

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  • being that iโ€™m a rapper, I show techniques like singing and rhyming to build vocal strength and confidence

  • Reading comprehension and application. The student will understand the words better when they can see how they were applied in a paragraph. Then, they can practice using them by creating new sentences

  • Repeated encounters with words through reading, listening, and speaking contribute to retention and comprehension.

  • My thought is to start with words related to things they like. If they like cars, then you can have: wheel, tyre, light, headlight, roof, door, window... This way they have a base of words they will use, and then you can expand the vocabulary from there.

  • In my experience, the best way to teach vocabulary effectively is to teach it in context. For instance, students get a text with target vocabulary and identify the meaning, either by interpreting the words before and after the target vocabulary, or with the help of the teacher (definitions, synonyms, antonyms, and etc.), or an online or hard copy dictionary, and etc. Afterwards, students drill the use of the target vocabulary in sentences, created by the teacher and specifically tailored for the target vocabulary. At the end, students create sentences, or a short text using the target vocabulary. I would like to emphasize that, in order to learn target vocabulary, it needs to be recycled, or reused quite often. In addition, I often recommend reading to my students as the best way to enrich the vocabulary knowledge. It does not need to be reading a book, as students can read articles online on a topic that is of their interest, news, reviews or any kind of written text.

  • Instead of giving a translation of the word I always try to explain its meaning in English and make the student guess. If a new word appears in a text, I give the student a chance to give their suggestions for the translation, based on the general content of the text. Also, to prevent difficulties in memorizing we try to build associations with this word together with the student. To check the vocabulary we play word games. There are many variations of them on the internet.

  • Hi I generally use brain storming and critical thinking. For example I introduce a topic and make my students think on it Best Regards

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    It depends on learners level : Take a student's perspective. ...Try using a word wall. ...Create vocabulary notebooks. ...Connect word meanings with semantic mapping. ...Make word cards. ...Encourage reading comprehension. ...Use visuals and situations.

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