What is your biggest challenge when it comes to learning English?

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My biggest challenge is often motivating my students to engage with the material and take an active role in their learning. To overcome this, I try to make lessons relevant and interesting by incorporating real-life scenarios. I also provide regular feedback and encouragement, which helps build their confidence and motivation.

  • When I was student my biggest challenge was listening.

  • a side note for Ivan below - you do not use the word times in grammar but tenses as in - present tense, past tense, future tense. There is even a hilarious joke about it - When the past, the present and the future met, it was tense

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  • I am an English teacher now, but I remember when I was a student the biggest challenge for me was speaking, not only from the prospect of my speaking ability but it was also mentally challenging for me. Connecting to peaple through a foreign language was really a big deal for me. But when I overcame it mentally and I increased my self confidence and solve the problem in my mind it became a positive turning point in my life, as well.

  • literaly times and I think passive voice, also sometimes it's difficult for people to study conditionals sentences

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