What is the difference between house and home?

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HOUSE is a building HOME is a emotional and psychological concept of a place Look at some typical collocations: you BUY A HOUSE / CLEAN A HOUSE / BUILD A HOUSE.... you GO HOME / STAY HOME / WORK FROM HOME / FEEL AT HOME .....

  • Essentially, a house is a building, while a home represents the emotional and personal ties to a living space.

  • House is typically a place where you live, stay ... (a building) Home is a place where you feel comfortable to live and your home doesn't have to be your house (emotional)

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  • The word house is used to talk about a building made for people or a family to live in. While home is used to talk about the family living in a house, or the familiar space inside a person's house, or the place someone was born or lived as a child.

  • Home is where the heart is... That's a cute English saying...

  • Lina
    LinaCountry flag: cn
    undergraduate student

    I think the house is a place you can live in,but the home is a symbol of the family

  • A house can be any kind of house. A home is where you feel comfortable.

  • Hi You say home when you talk your house it means intimate house, your private place where you spend your days, your life Best Regards

  • A house isn't necessarily where you live. A home is a place you stay at and feel comfortable and doesn't have to be a house.

  • House can be any building for example a shop, Plaza or tower but home that contains usually a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom is specifically used for residence.

  • The difference between a house and a home is NOT about size or how many floors a building has but is a little bit more complicated. A house is a physical building of ANY size that is designed for people to live in, nothing more. A house can be a building that has only a ground floor (like the house I live in), usually called a bungalow, or it can have 2 floors or more floors, it does not matter. A house can also have many rooms (bedrooms, sitting room, dining room, bathrooms etc), there is no limit. A home, however, is an abstract concept. While it is a specific place where an individual or group (for instance, a family) may live, it provides a sense of security, belonging, privacy, a sense of attachment, as well as love. Many regard their home as a haven from the outside world. Like what you've read? Why not book a lesson!

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