Can explain what about HW task? Or this platform only for speaking?

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5 answers from our tutors

  • Yes, I give homework. Usually, it is related to What he covered in the lesson.

  • Homework can be assigned if you would like to have something to work on between lessons. Ask your tutor to give you homework if you want it! :)

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  • Basically homework tasks covers what could not be completed during the duration of our class. Homework is vital as it allows the student to reach certain degrees of potential and identify their strengths and weak points it also encourages and motivates one to learn and study even harder as they always say PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT

  • It serves as an intellectual discipline, establishes study habits,eases time constraints on the amount of carricullar material that can be covered in class, and reinforce work done in school

  • Absolutely! Homework can be a handy tool in the learning process, especially if it aligns well with the goals of the student. It helps to put theory into practice and help reinforce new information learnt. Plus, it helps students take ownership over their learning journey, speeding up the process!

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