What is the difference between Castle and Palace?

2 answers from our tutors

  • In the past, Nobility (Dukes, Lords, Counts, Barons and such) would build themselves castles which served as both their home as well as the administrative centre of the lands that they were lords over. These would be a set of buildings surrounded by walls or ramparts which were heavily fortified to resist any attack from enemies. A palace, on the other hand, is a residence of royalty or nobility they was not fortified like a castle. Palaces are usually built in the nobleman's own private estate which usually consisted of farmland and forests which would be how they would earn their wealth. Fast forward to today, and palaces tend to be the official residences of presidents and monarchs. Palaces are usually found in the capitals of countries.

  • •Palaces were often built where rivers or roadways met. They were constructed to protect the local towns, cities, or main roads.  •A castle is a huge building or set of buildings fortified against attack with thick walls, battlements, towers, and, in many cases, a moat.

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