What is the best way and method to learn Italian, and what books would you recommend?

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Hi Maria, I think at the end everyone needs to be stimulated as a child, therefore something like games and quizzes could be a great idea (for example Kahoot) imagine to study prepositions and articles: it is so boring without fun, right? In this case if you put grammar concepts inside a game, you will like more! About books, the most famous is Nuovo Espresso, usually everyone use it.

  • Hi If you are a beginner I strongly recommend you Italian coffee break podcast. It is amazing. You also should practice so look for Italian events on line , or language exchange and app too. Best Regards

  • In my experience, as a languages teacher, the easy, then effective, way to learn a language, is by sensorial stimulation. Like everyone of us, when we were infants, our parents, or tutors, responsible fir our first imprint about any form of communication, just teach us how to express concepts, using sounds and, in a secondary time, we learn, by ourselves, how to articulate, simple in the beginning, then complex phrases. If there is any book then, could help in the learning process then I could suggest, are the visual books, used in kindergarten, to teach to babies the basic language; also, from my studies about the learning process, it seems then, our brains, can't memorize "words" for a long therm memory but, only memories related to a sensorial, or emotional stimulation.

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