What can teachers do to help you feel supported in your journey of learning Arabic ?
10 answers from our tutors
Best answer
interaction by frequent speaking in Arabic, conversations are the fastest way to learn and apply the language in daily life
Let you practice more , support and incourage you to talk .
لتتعرف عل معتقد آخر ربما لم يسبق لك التعرف عليه من الأفضل أن تبدأ بتعلم العربية لتصل اليه
لا تجعل العربية هدف بل وسيلة لتتعرف عن أشياء افضل
I will be your best friend to be able to get the information or notes from me سوف اكون صديقك المفضل لتاخذ المعلومة مني بسهولة
Arabic can be a tricky language with lots of accents and dialects. First of all a teacher needs to know why you are learning the language and use that to determine the best way forward. If you are learning Arabic to speak and understand the language then we need to increase the conversational part in each lesson and always converse with each other in Arabic even if you hadn’t mastered it yet. If you are learning Arabic to read and write professionally then we need to converse through typing most of the time so that we can improve that part closely. And so on.
My personality. Being friendly , and tolerant teacher help my students to understand Arabic languages. A lot of examples also can help. Starting with easy words and easy sentences encourage students to complete their journey learning Arabic language
Being friendly,easy-going and doing a lot of conversation and supporting the student with many sources of learning Arabic
Through conversations to strengthen your communication skills
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