What are some techniques you use to help students improve their listening comprehension?

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I encourage students to engage in active listening by summarizing what they've heard. After playing an audio clip or video, I prompt them to recount the main ideas and specific details. This helps sharpen their focus on key information. 😎

  • You need to refulary use this type of exercise in classes. British council have many of these on their website. You can make your own with Youtube videos.

  • Lee
    LeeCountry flag: za
    Certified TEFL teacher

    most important for me is the topic... I keep it fun and interactive with a topic the will interest my learners to keep them focused ..

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  • I encourage students to engage in activities that require focused listening such as summarizing the main idea of an audio or video clip.This can help them in extracting key information. Secondly , i would also use regular dictation practices which can enhance students listening skills and improve their spelling and grammatical accuracy.

  • I use podcasts and videos on topics they enjoy, and we discuss what they heard to reinforce their understanding.

  • Chante
    ChanteCountry flag: za
    Ms Chante

    If my students struggles with listening I will tell then to break up the words and read it out loud

  • If my students struggle with listening, I tell them to try to divide what they hear into smaller, manageable chunks. Start with identifying the simple stuff (the, for, do/does/doesn’t, etc.) and start building up from there, by identifying familiar vocabulary, then move on to trying to understand the sentence as a whole.

  • Listen-and -repeat drills. Students repeat what they heard to practice pronunciation and intonation. Audio summaries. students listen to a passage then summarize the main points.

  • Reading out loud, dialogues and listening to audios and do comprehension questions.

  • Improving listening comprehension is crucial for students, and I employ a variety of techniques tailored to their individual needs. Here are some effective strategies: 1. **Active Listening Exercises**: I encourage students to listen actively by summarizing what they hear. This can include paraphrasing key points or discussing the main ideas after a listening activity. 2. **Contextual Listening**: I use audio materials that are relevant to the students’ interests or academic subjects. This helps them engage more deeply and understand the context better. 3. **Chunking Information**: I break down audio clips into smaller segments. Students listen to each segment, focusing on understanding before moving on to the next part. 4. **Guided Questions**: After listening, I provide specific questions that guide students to think critically about the content. This encourages them to listen for details and main ideas. 5. **Visual Aids**: I incorporate visual elements such as transcripts etc .

  • structured graded tasks for each level where they are encouraged to do scanning, skimming, Gist then detailed reading. Encouraging students to learn new vocabulary via inferred meaning due to context BEFORE actively teaching new vocabulary with MFP.

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