How do you help students break free from their fear of being judged when speaking English?

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I always tell my students that the key to speaking English is all about communication, not being perfect. I often remind them that even native speakers slip up with grammar or pronunciation. I push them to concentrate on sharing their thoughts instead of stressing over flawless speeches, which really helps create a more authentic conversation.

  • I give them the best support that I can and I make sure to remind them that it is okay to make mistakes. I give them honest and helpful feedback as well.

  • Allow them to express themselves as freely and as much as possible with corrections following only after they have finished speaking. i.e avoiding constant interference during their speech. This gives them confidence to continue expressing themselves.

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  • It all depends on the context; is it in the classroom? Will it be while traveling on vacation? At a work situtation such as a meeting? The motivation and confidence you can provide while supporting them will always help, but the tools they need will vary

  • I personally think that a good way of solving the problem is by listening attentively and responding meaningfully. Basically making a connection with the student. This way they will feel that their utterance makes sense.

  • I tell them no one is perfect in any language, therefore we are all here as learners of English and they should not fear to make mistakes. Mistakes are allowed as they are seen as part of learning.

  • I always tell them , " What matters most is that you are able to communicate your self" .Clear English is the key , not perfect English. Also I tell them my story how I overcame my lacking in speaking.

  • Hi First making him or her feel comfy! Err is human and what's more, success is failure. Best Regards

  • To help students overcome their fear of being judged when speaking English, I always make sure to create a safe and supportive environment where they feel comfortable taking risks. Focus on progress, not perfection, and encourage them to view challenges as opportunities for growth. Practice active listening and role-playing to build confidence, and emphasize effort, not accuracy. Provide positive feedback and encourage self-reflection to help students identify their own strengths and weaknesses. By doing so, students can build confidence and become more comfortable speaking English.

  • I let my students know it is free space to make those mistakes, they come to my class to make them so that they can learn them. I correct them very politely and praise them when they are correct, and just like that they are completely comfortable and we produce good progress

  • I create a safe space for students to practice English without fear of judgment, encouraging mistakes and celebrating progress.

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