The 4 key language skills

How do you ensure that all four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) are addressed in your lessons?

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In short, I don't they can be combined easily in one lesson! But I think you can gauge it by the student. I think you can pair skills effectively: listening & writing, reading & speaking. These pairings seem to sit well together.

  • Comprehension questions. Allow the student to read, find new words and teach them the meaning. You can play an audio recording of the passage afterwards. Then, respond to the questions through writing the parts they struggle with.

  • In my lessons, we start and finish by training speaking and listening skills (E.g. playing alias or similar games for a few minutes as a warm-up, and watching and discussing a video in the end). Moreover, I believe it is important to only speak English with the students during the lesson. Writing is pretty time-consuming, so I believe it is more efficient to give more exercises on writing for self-study, and in the lesson only review them and point out the mistakes. During the lesson only train writing as a part of grammar exercises. Reading exercises can also be combined with grammar and speaking, in the discussion after reading the text. My point here is that all the exercises should train two or more skills, otherwise, they will be less effective and interesting!

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  • Hi, For every lessen I prepare a grammar topic in the way that all 4 skills are focused on it. For example present continuous they will read, speak, listen and write in this tense. Best Regards

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    The four basic language skills are listening skills, writing skills, speaking skills and reading skills. Through daily activities, teacher provide learners with opportunities to develop each skill: students listen (to the teacher use the target language, to a song, to one another in a pair activity), speak (pronunciation practice, greetings, dialogue creation or recitation, songs, substitution drills, oral speed reading, ... Word games. Expand your children's vocabulary with word games. ...Jokes. ...Riddles. ...Rhymes. ...Homonyms. ...Storytelling. ...Songs. ...Tongue twisters.

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