preguntas sobre fonética

How to transcribe these (fonéticamente y fonológicamente)? 1- Siempre viene a clase la acompañada de sus amigos. 2-A veces yo no comprendo al profesor. 3-Soy solamente un hombre de carne y hueso. 4-Nosotros quedamos en ir mañana. 5-Ellos se parecen a su padre. 6-Ella no se fía de nadie. 7-Tú siempre te quejas de todo. 8-Este vino huele a vinagre. 9-Yo me arrepiento de haber venido. 10-El éxito consiste en trabajar. 11-Sueño con ser presidente. but in a simple way as a beginner and in "la sirrema" there is the form "sustantivo + complemento determinado" What is "el complemento determinado" and how to know it also how to know a "perífrasis verbal" that I have never seen before to transcribe it correctly.

3 answers from our tutors

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As an example, in the sentence "Me gustaría haber ido al cine", the verb is composed by the auxiliary verb "haber" in it's infinitive conjugation combined with the conjugation of the verb "ido" which is a conjugation of the verb "ir" in past participle. Both verbs combined form the "Perífrasis verbal" and act as the core of the sentence, or as a "composed verb".

  • To create a phonetic transcription of those sentences you would need to use the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) which requires special characters not supported in many devices. As for "Complemento determinado" or "complemento determinativo" is a grammatical element in a sentence that provides additional and specific information about a noun. This complement usually consists of a definite article (El, La, Los, Las in Spanish) followed by the noun it refers to. It helps to identify or specify what is being talked about. For example, in the phrase "La casa azul es sólida" "La casa azul" is the determined complement as it provides specific details about the noun "casa". As for "Perífrasis verbal" is a grammatical construction in which two or more words are combined to express a meaning that couldn't be conveyed by a single verb. It consists of an auxiliary verb (such as "haber," "ser," "ir," etc.) followed by a non-conjugated verb form (infinitivo, gerundio or pasado participio).

  • Do you mean transcription using the IPA transcription chart?

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