I wanna learn English very perfectly

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Remember, practice is key! Focus on improving your grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and listening skills regularly. Don't be afraid to make mistakes โ€“ it's all part of the learning process. Good luck!

  • You are on the right platform, Take a step in the right direction and book a lesson. You will surely get all the guidance and content you need to achieve your goal.

  • There are several methods that can help you achieve your goal. For example, repetition and learning jew words every day or maybe focusing on grammar rules can become a daily habit of yours. On the other hand, my personal experience taught me that learning English in a defined subject and area like business, conversations, etc. can be quite helpful.

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  • if you wanna become a very good english speaker you should read books or newspapers watch movies or anything that has the audio going on in english also you should always speak english (these methods apply to you if you already know the language and just wanna polish it) if you need to learn the language better you have to study well , Good luck:)

  • I would be happy to help you dearโค๏ธ๐Ÿ’ซ

  • If you wanna learn English perfectly, you should try for it, but you should also know that the path you're choosing demands a lot of effort and having high expectation from yourself may block you in short time. So,you need to be patient, because it needs time. Good luck.

  • nobody is perfect and nothing is perfect. There is no such thing as perfection. You can strive for it, though. By the way, the adjective perfect and its adverb perfectly cannot be preceded by the intensifying modifier very. It simply is redundant in your statement.

  • Hello, Noor. are you asking how to do that or are you just making a motivated statement?

  • Practice makes progress. Start having a lot of exposure in your target language. Step by step you'll reach your goal.

  • If you start from the scratch and learn everything step by step and technically, and try to study or have exposure to some English sources daily, either a video clip or an English text, getting fluent in English won't take too long, maybe less than 2 years.

  • Hello nobody is perfect we all started somewhere, don't worry u will get there.

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