How do you encourage language practice outside the classroom?

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6 answers from our tutors

  • I tell my students to spend some time in student pubs and clubs where international students hang out. It will be an accepting and friendly environment in which to practice. In addition to that, useful international contacts can be made there.

  • Find out what are their hobbies and encourage them to partake in speaking within that hobby. For example, if someone really enjoys reading. Encourage them to join a book club where they can discuss books.

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  • Donnie Starkey
    Donnie StarkeyCountry flag: us
    ESL teacher

    That depends on their goal:. Here are some examples: 1. Give my students access to Software that will help them practice 2. Have them write five sentences or maybe more depending on their level, then I would grade it and help them to make it perfect would have them read it to me several times, and then memorize it. I would ask them to find five English speakers, and share what they wrote with them from memory. 3. I would want them to Visit the Same English speakers every week with something to share. Maybe twice a week depending on their goals. 4. Depending on their level, I would give them videos to watch, news, articles to watch or read, and maybe have them write a reaction to The article. Or if their goal is speaking, they can share with What they think about the article. Everything starts with assessing the goals that the student has. The simple question why do they want to learn English is where I would start.

  • depending on age and level for example teens who are b1/b2 i would refer them to British English TV shows as a way to build their vocab

  • Hi Nick! I think it can be hard to encourage speaking as students might not feel as comfortable/confident with their speaking abilities so they may feel awkward speaking to others. However, you can recommend fun shows/movies/books to students, which will encourage them to practice their reading/listening/comprehension skills!

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    1.Play games. Your child and their friends could agree to have set times when they speak only in English. ... 2.Video demonstration. 3.Sing. ... 4.Drama and roleplay. ... 5.Read aloud. ... 6.Meet English speakers. ... 7.Free online learning activities. ... 8.Use technology.

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