Why does straw in Mexico means “popote” but in Argentina “pitillo”?

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  • En todos los 21 países donde se habla ESPAÑOL oficialmente, los acentos, tonos y palabras cambian. Por eso en este caso la palabra en Ingles STRAW, se le puede decir, popote, pitillo, cañita, pajilla entre mcuhas otras. Significan lo mismo pero se le cambia el nombre de acuerdo al país. Asi con muchas otras palabras.

  • Martina Peroncikova
    Martina PeroncikovaCountry flag: cz

    Beacouse, is a diferent region :)

  • That's a word with multiple translations along latin America! In Colombia we call it "pitillo" too, the why? honestly don't know, I think it has to do with our different dialects and the development Spanish have had along the years in our territories.

  • In Argentina we use 'pajita' or 'sorbete' more commonly 🙌

  • it’s the different dialects. but in colombia it’s also pitillo, so that’s the more commonly used word

  • You will find that with many words. In Uruguay we call it “pajita” for example. Each country has slight differences and the name of something can mean a totally different thing in another country.

  • Mexican Spanish has some words from nahuatl and indigenous language, popote es one of those. Actually, some nahuatl words have invaded other languages that's the case of avocado or chocolate.

  • Hello Danna. Spanish is a diverse language. There are more than 20 countries worldwide that acknowledge it as their official language. As a result, there are multiple versions of Spanish. For instance, in my native country the word "guagua" means "bus". However, that same word means baby in Chile. There are many other words and expressions that could have a different meaning depending on each Hispanic country. I have had the chance to talk to people from many Hispanic countries such as Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, Ecuador, Chile, and the Dominican Republic. In case you have further doubts, I could help you out.

  • Hi Danna well it's because every country has some words used in their own cultural appropriation, let me show other ways to say it in different countries: bombilla (Chile), paja, pajita (Argentina), pitillo (Colombia, Cuba, Venezuela), popote (México), sorbete (Ecuador), calimete (Rep.Dominicana), carrizo(Panamá). Hope this helps you

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