Which language do you think is harder to learn: Spanish or English?
Which language do you think is harder to learn: Spanish or English? What are your reasons?
5 answers from our tutors
Best answer
English vs Spanish :) It depends of the opportunities, the age, the aptitud and actitud the learner has to be in contact with the languages, I have met people who manage both languages as native people because they were in contact with the languages since they were babies.
it depends on the language you are coming from.
I think that Spanish is more difficult for me
The Spanish is a bit more difficult because you must combine the verbs according to its pronoun, it also has more verbal times compared to the English and the articles are combined according to the genre of the noun.
Well, I think that to some extent it depends on your mother tongue. If it's a latin language maybe English is harder to learn. However, if we stick to the fact that Spanish language has the "dreaded" conjugations, I'd dare to say that in general Spanish is way harder to learn than English.