When to use which instead of that

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The rule of grammar is that the usage of 'that vs which' depends whether the clause is restrictive or non-restrictive. "That" is used to indicate a specific object, item, people, situations, etc. e.g: I need a book that will tell me all about city gardening. "Which" is used to further specify, identify, or distinguish a particular thing. e.g: It is the empty space, which makes the bowl useful. "That" is a restrictive clause, if you remove it in a sentence the meaning of the sentence changes. "That" should never be followed or proceeded by a comma. "Which" is a non-restrictive clause, if you remove it in a sentence the meaning of the sentence does not change or remains the same. It is usually proceeded by a comma and a comma is placed at the end of the clause ( if the sentence continues). e.g: The padded chairs, which are on the second floor, have to be replaced.

  • In a definite clause which gives information essential to the meaning of a sentenceuse ( that) In a non-definite clause ( the clause is considered to be nonessential), always use which.

  • When making a choice or a decision, you use which. For example, (1) which dress should I use for the party. (2) Which team are you supporting for the world cup. When we use that, it is more direct. For example, (1) That is a lovely dress you have chosen. (2) Why did we not know that.

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  • In a defining clause (gives information essential to the meaning of a sentence), use that. In a non-defining clause ( the clause is nonessential) ,use which.

  • Hi, In a clause that is defining you should use "that" and in a non-defining clause "which" should be used. Ensure the clause is necessary, that means if the clause is removed the sentence will be destroyed.

  • “Which” refers to options that you may have and “that” refers to something specific

  • “Which” is a question used to know the specific exercise,thing ,item to do /use / take. For example;which book did she take? And we always end a which statement with a question mark “?” While “That” is used to specify an object /thing/exercise, for example; is it true that bananas have no bones, and I do like bananas.

  • We use "which" when asking questions that require specific information. We can use "that" when we are referring to specific objects. (For example, "Look at that view!" or "Which way are we going?")

  • Please do not listen to any of these tutors about grammar, you DO NOT need to learn grammar, in fact, please DON'T. It will mess up your fluency, O'm being honest here. All you need to focus on is taking in the language naturally and understanding the overall message. PLEASE ,for your sake, do not learn ANY grammar. Question, did you learn grammar to speak fluent in your native language?? Then why are you learning grammar in English, you do not need to to ok ) It is very harmful to your fluency, I promise. Message me if you have any questions. Learning grammar is not fluency, I want to get you fluency, speaking naturally, this will not happen if you study grammar - I give you my word.

  • Hi Iqrasaher The clause that comes after the word "which" or "that" decides which one to use. If the clause is essential to the meaning of the sentence, you use "that". If you drop the clause and leave the meaning of the sentence intact, you use "which".

  • "Which" is used to introduce non-restrictive clauses. A non-restrictive clause provides more information about a noun and it can be removed from the sentence without changing the meaning of that sentence. For example : My bedroom, which is on the first floor, is painted blue "That" is used to introduce restrictive clauses. A restrictive clause describes and sets limits on a noun. It may also be called a defining clause. For example : My bedroom that is on the first floor is painted blue The first sentence is correct. The second sentence is incorrect because a person usually has only one bedroom.

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