What would you do if a student was struggling to grasp a concept but refused additional help?

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I would move onto the next topic of conversation to help get the flow of conversation going again. I would then re-visit the problem area and send link to an exercise that may help after the class. I would check comprehension in the next class by asking a question that would require a similar answer to the one they struggled with.

  • Go pass it for a few moments to build cofidence up with the next few words and then see if they are ready to come back

  • To assist a student who is struggling to comprehend a concept but is unwilling to receive additional help, I would: 1. Build rapport 2. Explain the importance. 3. Provide alternate explanations. 4. Offer different resources. 5. Monitor progress Ultimately, it is crucial to respect the student's autonomy while also providing the necessary support for them to succeed academically.

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  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    Mapping out ideas using pictures and charts is especially effective with struggling students. Strategies that involve memorizing phrases help students remember concepts longer. When students use all their senses, they remember the material better.

  • Then you can try indirect way such as visual assets. You can show them some interesting videos which explain the concepts. These kind of students are usually interested in watching videos. You can keep motivating and encouraging that student to make him/her feel closer to you and break the ice. Or the other thing you can do is to pair that student with the one he/she feels closer like his/her best classmate. In pairworks students learn from each other.

  • If they are attending a class with you again, , may be you can start the session with a quick review in the form of an interactive game or sth to allow them to grasp the concept they failed to grasp in the previous session. You could also ask your student to do some sort of a post-session task (freer practice/ exit ticket) then have a discussion on the concept they failed to understand earlier in the session- (not in the form of additional help)

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