What word to use to say "silly" in Spanish?

16 answers from our tutors

Best answer

Hi. I am colombian. You can use "Tonto/a", "Bobo/a" (male -o, female -a). Or the diminutives "Tontito/a", "Bobito/a".

  • In Uruguay you can use “tonto/a” o “boba/o”.

  • Tonto or menso.

  • Hello, I am Spanish and in Spain you often say. "Tonta" "Retrasada" In Argentina they say "Boluda" / "Boludo" In Colombia they say "Boba" /"Bobo"

  • Sabina
    SabinaCountry flag: co

    Hi! silly is a wonderful word to translate in spanish since almost every country and region has different ways of saying it. In general if you say bobo or tonto people will understand. However, you can say it with a since it makes it less strong and more friendly. "Tontico" "bobito".

  • Gracioso o Tonta/Tonto

  • We tend to use the word "tonto" to translate the word "silly."

  • In Spain we say “tonto” male form and “tonta” female form. See you at the classes!

  • In Argentina and Uruguay we reffer as BOLUDO. In Spain Jilipollas.

  • Hi I'm from Ecuador and basically depends cause it can be use in a rude way like tont@ or maybe you can Say that to your closet friend as a joke like tontita/ tontito.

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