What strategies do you use to help shy or reluctant students participate in class discussions?

Working with students of varying levels of participation can be a challenge. A crucial component of teaching is the ability to adjust to various personalities and learning preferences. Kindly feel free to discuss how you engage reluctant students in group projects, games, or role-playing by using different techniques.

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As someone who was not an active participator in classes when I was younger and who has worked with shyer students, the key is not to pressure them. While participating in discussions can be important and show a student's understanding, not everyone is comfortable, some may even have anxiety. As a teacher, it's important to be encourage without pushing the student too much. It's also a lot easier to start small. Have students discuss in small groups and slowly work towards encouraging them to participate in whole-class discussions. It's also important to set clear expectations in the beginning of class that your classroom is a judgement-free space and enforce that students are kind and respectful to others. This way, when time comes for discussions, students who are more shy/unwilling to participate feel more comfortable to do so because they know that their peers are not judging them. The teacher should reflect this behavior as well and set an example.

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