What steps do you take to keep students motivated?

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4 answers from our tutors

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I always remind my learners that it is OKAY to make MISTAKES because as you learn you GROW and improve in English speaking.

  • I start every course by trying to find out the real reasons behind student's decision to take it in the first place. Keeping it in mind and shaping my lessons so that they really correspond to those reasons is what I consider a step in the right direction. But according to my experience, the personal connection between me as a tutor and my student is the clincher. The closer and more relaxed it is, the more motivated the student will be.

  • I get them talking about a] how it felt when they had to speak English, e.g. on holiday ordering a meal in a restaurant for their group as well as asking them to imagine how it will feel when they have to act as interpreter for their boss during a meeting with foreign clients/partners. I tell my students to imagine how their capital in the firm will grow and how it can help their promotion prospects. "However", I tell them, "this all costs sweat and diligence now".

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  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    1. Talk About Future Goals...  2. Set clear learning goals. ... 3. Make learning convenient. ... 4. Get creative with course content. ... 5.Reward learners for engagement. ... 6. Create open communication channels. ... 7. Offer real-life rewards for successful training and improved performance. ... 8. Use on-the-job training and relatable simulations

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