What sections of the English language do you find most difficult understanding??

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8 answers from our tutors

  • I’m a native English speaker, so non of it is difficult. But I’ve known many students to find difficulty in pronunciation and certain grammar from time to time.

  • Though out my teaching journey, I have come to understand that most student find it difficult to links words together to make a good sentence. This can be achieved with practice and patient.

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  • Figures of speech, lexis, tenses and structure. With practice, students can surmount the challenge

  • being a native speaker, i notice many students find interest in better expression. so one of the difficulties for students can be how to connect sentences.

  • Without a doubt, the objective study of grammar. The rules and variations are really tedious. It's like being forced to study music theory when all you want to do is dance. With that said, it is fascinating, as a native speaker, to rediscover language and to learn what you already know.

  • Learners find It challenging verbs, spelling, pronunciation and idiomatic practices and can help improve and understand

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    Most English language learners will find it challenging to learn English verb tenses, phrasal verbs, articles, spelling, pronunciation, and idioms. This is because these are features of English that are very different from most other languages in the world, or which simply require a lot of memorization.

  • Different people find different aspects challenging, but grammar, idiomatic expression and complex vocabulary are often cited as difficult aspects in English language. Practice and exposure can help improve understanding in these areas.

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