What is the solution for a student who keeps answering the other’s questions?

What is the solution for a student who keeps answering the other’s questions and doesn’t let the other student who is mostly silent and shy finds any opportunity to speak in an online class?

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13 answers from our tutors

Best answer
  • Hi I have the same problem in my classroom I said please let them time to respond Best Regards

  • use their knowledge to seek how to help the lost students!

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  • Give them a section to help you with at certain times, but they should remember that you’re the teacher.

  • Addressing this issue requires a delicate approach to ensure equitable participation among all students. You can use group norms where you establish clear guidelines for participation at the beginning of the class or in the course syllabus. Emphasize the importance of listening to others and giving everyone a chance to speak. Empower the quiet students: reach out to the shy students individually to offer support and encouragement. Let them know that their contributions are valued and create a supportive environment where they feel comfortable speaking up. Rotate roles: assign rotating roles within group discussions or activities, such as a facilitator or timekeeper. To ensures that everyone has a chance to take on different responsibilities and share their perspectives.

  • It would be wise if you give those diffident students some questions in advance and get them to bombard the bright and active students with a barrage of their questions. Little by little, the bashful ones will build their confident.

  • Give them the role of supervisor. Their job is to help you check answers,

  • try to know all your students' names,that way you will address the question directly to whom you need an answer from

  • I would suggest you make groups and then ask questions from each student in a group, and anyone answering on someone's behalf would lose some marks. moreover, politely ask him or her to please give others a chance.

  • You can address your questions personally to the students. This way You can both make sure that everyone gets a chance to answer and that everybody is paying attention

  • Create pairwork activities, allowing both students to ask and answer different questions.

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