What is the most important thing happening in your life right now?
19 answers from our tutors
Best answer
I'm really excited to take over the world because I am graduating soon.
Teaching students all over the world and helping them achieve their goals.
I’m overwhelmed because I am going to be moving to the UK soon to peruse my health care career
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Start testGetting to know myself better. My calmness when dealing with certain things is on another level. Being around my family and choosing peace over drama.
Travelling all over the world)
Trying to get driving lesson. Working as a healthcare assistant and ESL teacher.
I am at a place in my life where I am at my calmest and grateful for everything in my life, no matter how small it is. Through this journey of online teaching, I also learned how to be patient. I am a third year B.Ed. student and I'm currently on vacation and I'm so happy to just take a break from a challenging academic year.
Being with my small family around me, peace and love for each other, now with a few committed students it's amazing.
Getting accepted by livexp.com :-D
Having the opportunity of meeting new students and helping them to achieve their goals.
Being alive