what is the longest word in german?
hi everyone! i was told that german language has long words. What is the longest german word?
6 answers from our tutors
Best answer
I'm not a native German speaker, but that's what Google says :) Kraftfahrzeughaftpflichtversicherung So the longest word to be found in the German dictionary is Kraftfahrzeughaftpflichtversicherung – "motor vehicle indemnity insurance". As Mark Twain said "a word so long it has a perspective".
I'm not a native German speaker, but that's what Google says :) Kraftfahrzeughaftpflichtversicherung
Hey, yes it’s true that we have long words, but they are usually just different words, fused together. So these words are actually quite easy to remember if you know a lot of the shorter words.
The meaning of long words in German: It allows German speakers to be more precise while keeping their speech compact
It has very long words! Such as: Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz