Can anyone help me understand which verb separate and which don't in a German sentences? Thank you
3 answers from our tutors
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Hallo Martin. In German verbe which separate have separate particules. Exemples Einladen, anrufen, kennenlernen. Now how to employ them in a sentence ? Zb: Ich lädt mein Freund ein (einladen) Ich rufe meine Mutter an (anrufen) Ich lerne dich kennen (kennenlernen). Y're welcome !
There are rules attached to the subject of separable and non-separable verbs. One of the rules to differentiate a separate and non-separable verb is that separable verbs begins their prefix with a preposition for example; durchgehen, mitkommen, beibringen. Durch, mit and bei are prepositions. On the other hand the prefix for non-separable verbs do not start with a preposition for example; entkommen, bestehen, entstehen and so on. Note that to every rule there is an exception. Sign up for my class to learn more.
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