What is the difference between 卫生间或者 厕所:)what are their usage?
The difference
15 answers from our tutors
- Evan BaiPlease jump in my Chinese channel. Speak Chinese with you!
没区别。 但非要说出其中的差异,那就是卫生间是厕所的衍生词,有比厕所更多功能性。大概也是中国农村喜欢叫厕所,因为只能满足基本需求。城市一般会说卫生间,因为里面大概有镜子、洗手液、纸巾等。
Literally these two word means same thing, but “卫生间” sounds more elegant
"卫生间”and “厕所” are similar in that they both refer to a place where people can go to relieve themselves , but there are some subtle differences between the two. "卫生间”is a more formal term,which is often used in public places such as restaurants , hotels and airports. It generally refers to a facility that includes not only the toilet, but also a sink and possibly a shower or bathtub.It's a more general term that emcompasses a wider range of functions related to hygiene and cleanliness. “厕所”is more informal term , which is often used in homes or smaller public spaces such as parks and convenience stores. It usually refers to the toilet itself, without the additonal facilities like a sink or shower. In terms of usage, both terms can be used interchange ably in most situations. However, "卫生间”may be more appropriate in more formal or professional settings, while "厕所” may be more appropriate in casual or informal settings.
- BunnyGraduation in UoN with distinction/ Live in the UK/ Ten years of business management experience
Haha, same question from my boyfriend. I would explain that the words 卫生间 is more seen in the upper place, spoken on serious occasions (like business talking or dinner) or in public. But you can definitely say both as long as you are not a native speaker, we don't really care about it.
- AngelinaI teach Chinese & English. Please inquire about the time before booking. Thank you🙏
卫生间 is a formal/ polite way to address bathroom/ WC/ washing room, 厕所 is more oral Chinese as toilet
卫生间 weì shēng jiān 厕所 cè suǒ it all means "rest room, toilet, washroom, or bathroom" "wei sheng jian" is more elegant
Well,卫生间 and 厕所,they all mean "restroom" in English. But 卫生间 is a formal version to say.厕所 is a bit more casual and informal way in Chinese.
Both means restroom. 卫生间:more for upper class or formal expresstion. 厕所:More often in countryside.