What is the difference between, in your own words mustn't and don't have to?

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Hi Augie, one is an instruction or command, - mustn't One is giving a choice - don't have to, you can if you want to

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    There is a BIG difference in meaning between Mustn't and Don't have to. Mustn't means something is prohibited or it is not allowed. Don't have to means there is NO obligation to do something. You are not required to do something, especially if you don't want to.

  • "Mustn't" usually means that we shouldn't do something in a shape of order, or caution. And we should avoid that activity. E.g: there are dangerous animals in that area. So, You mustn't go there on your own. "Don't have to", on the other hand, indicates that we're not forced to do the activity, but we can. It is our decision whether we want to go for it or not. E.g: i don't have an exam until next week, so i don't have to study today.

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