What is the best way to understand your learner?

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I typically allow the student to speak as much as possible. When they do this, my brain picks up on the language patterns they use, and I tailor my lessons to address the gaps in their foundation. If they struggle with past tense, I will ask about things that happened in the past. If they struggle with constructing sentences, I will talk about simple subjects like family, their job, or my own experiences using commonly used verbs, nouns, and adjectives. Listening is my key to understanding my students.

  • Gugu
    GuguCountry flag: za
    Certified Esl teacher

    You need to identify their strengths and weeknesses . Listen to them and give them time to talk as much as they can during the lesson.

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  • To understand them, you need to listen to them. Therefore, careful active listening to what they say is key to my success. Afterward, I can apply my further teaching strategies and other critical thinking methods questioning them to make us understand each other. Well, long story short - listening & speaking! It's all about the communication.

  • Give them the time they need, i avoid correcting them emideatly, just give them time to relieve their stress, and it involves self critique sometimes.

  • By knowing where they feel most confident in their speech, as well as where they feel many weaknesses, is what helps you to best know how to help them.

  • Asking the learner questions this helps you understand your student better. The most important thing is to listen as the student speaks never interrupt always allow them to finish what they are saying it does not matter if you trying to correct them rather note it down and tell them after they have spoken.

  • Accessing students really matter when it comes to teaching.Creating a positive learning environment for students by letting them share their ideas helps ,as they are communicating and sharing their ideas, listen to them and you can take it from there by knowing their shortcomings and helping them improve on it .

  • To effectively know your English learners, engage in individual introductions, use icebreakers, understand learning styles, have one-on-one conversations, gather feedback through surveys, encourage class discussions, be culturally aware, promote group projects, practice active listening, utilize technology, and maintain a flexible teaching approach

  • By being a good listener, paying attention to every detail of what they want and making sure to meet their needs.

  • Ask him questions and listen carefully to his answers

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