What is the best method for teaching?

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6 answers from our tutors

  • There's a tool kit of techniques and good practice, but the key to 'best learning' is knowing which tool to use when. Until the age of 14 I was unable to read. At 21 I went to a top university. Someone along the way took the time help me work things out...

  • I have found out that the best method for teaching is: 1. Conversational 2. Auditory 3. Visual 4. Games

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  • My personal choice is MFP Meaning, Form and Pronunciation and I aslo lean towards, TTT, Test teach Test

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    ○There is no “best” method of teaching. However, many researchers today agree that including more student-centered learning approaches in the classroom can improve learning. Using only a teacher-centered approach leaves out many skills and learning opportunities for students. ○top 6 most effective learning methods below: •Online learning. ... •Experiential learning. ... •Differentiation. ... •Blended learning. ... •Game-based learning. ... •Student-centred learning.

  • Hello! There are many methods, in my opinion the best one is the Direct Approach which always focuses on the time the student spends in contact with the language and also the different situations a student can be in contact. Ex. You need English for a job interview, in that case first we review some vocabulary and then create some sentences, the final objective of the class will be having an oral interview, there can be different topics. Another approach I really like is the repetition process which work out pretty well for students that are new or had 0 contact with the language, all methods are effective regardless of feeling like your taking baby steps, all languages take its time. Just enjoy the process!

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