What are your thoughts on standardized testing?

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Standardized tests are just as the name suggests; They are standard. We notice that in and on many forums. We see them employed when having to apply to get into an institution of learning, to land a job, or even to apply for a visa. As we move farther away from these tests and learn that our students do not all learn at the same pace and in the same way, we will receive a well-deserved epiphany; It is important to know although standardized tests serve as a qualification in some aspect, they cannot truly guarantee language proficiency or fluency.

  • Standardized tests have positive and negative sides to it. I feel an evaluation needs to be done. Every student has their stengths and weaknesses. So I feel depends on for what the standardized test is for? It can effect students very negatively. But on the other hand it can motivate them to improve. Either way the student needs to know that it's a way to see what their weaknesses are that need improvement and only with effort they can improve.

  • I am all for standardized test based on their level. This will help educators to identify the strengths and weakness of the students. In my country, the public schools have eradicated school-based examinations and also the Public examinations. This happens when there are too many changes in the Ministry. After the pandemic, the standard of education dropped tremendously as there were no proper lessons. When there was an exam for the school-leavers at the beginning of 2023, the results were shocking. However, the Private and International schools had set their own examinations and from here we have seen the results where students have gone for higher learning opportunities. Since there are no exams, most of the public school children are taking it easy. They have no desire to improve their weak subjects such as Mathematics, Science and English. I am saying this, because I give tuition to some of the concerned students who want to improve their studies.

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  • Standardized testing plays a role in evaluating specific skills and memorization. In addition, it is a manageable method of evaluation for the person giving the test. However, it is not an accurate or complete representation of the ability of the student.

  • Hello! Standardized testing provides a measure of student achievement. Test results should help educators identify areas of weakness and strength. Teaching should encourage critical thinking, creativity, and deep understanding rather than test content. We must remember that even standardized tests may not effectively measure a student's true ability or potential since they often assess only specific subjects and rely heavily on multiple-choice questions.

  • I think standardized testing alone may not be sufficient for evaluating students' abilities.

  • In terms of migration for job, training and education, standardized testing’ importance cannot be overlooked as it provides equivalent content for all students such as IELTS and TOEFL. However, after passing these kinds of tests, students need to work on speaking and language skills a bit more to get on the right foot.

  • When it comes to standardized English tests, you should know that it is not just about language skills; it's also about testing skills. Some people excel at speaking in English without any problem, but when you test them in an exam format that can become a challenge. Even a native English speaker may not score a perfect Band 9 on IELTS without prior preparation. On the other hand, there are non-native English speakers who can ace the test but can barely speak English in day-to-day conversation. Standardized test is 50% English (language Skill) and 50% testing skills.

  • Standardiszed testing is not particularly useful, as it is not suitable for all. Everyone is different - they learn differently and they respond differently to pressure. Teaching somebody how to answer a specific set of questions will not guarantee understanding of the English language.

  • Generally, it could be helpful to test the basic usage of English. but it can also be detrimental to a student's level, I think focusing on the student's correct level is more beneficial and will help the student improve more.

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