What are the qualities of a self associated teacher ?

Teachers need to help themselves manage their time inside and outside classes.

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Good teacher knows how to provide good quality during the lessons and know how to manage the time outside the lessons and inside.

  • A self associated teacher has a good sense of how to conduct class, how to teach, and how to be empathetic to a new student. They are great and guiding others because they know themselves

  • discipline, punctuality and patience. it's not easy to procure all the necessary materials for a student and their learning journey. it requires time and time management. those are essential aspects because teachers are usually self-guided. they don't have a supervisor monitoring their time constraints

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  • A self-associated teacher is disciplined, The teacher is punctual, and always time-conscious. This teacher is always prepared for the lesson ahead of time, The teacher is knowledgeable in the subject and always update themselves.

  • Patient and approachable. They say that 'patience is a virtue', and this couldn't be more true for teachers. ... Enthusiastic. ... Strong communication skills. ... Strong knowledge and a solid education. ... Disciplined and professional.

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