What are some common greetings and farewells in English?

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  • Greetings: Hello, Hi, Hey, Good morning, Good afternoon or Good evening Farewell: Goodbye, Cheers, go well, safe travels, good night

  • Greetings: Hi, Hi there! Hello, Watcha (UK), Alright? (UK), Howzit! (Southern Africa), G'day (AU) 'Morning, 'Evening, 'Afternoon, Yes (followed by the person's name), Farewells: Ta-ra, Later! See you! G'night, 'Night, Bye, Bub Bye! Cheers now! All the best! Take care!

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  • Good day! Have a great day! Hello! Goodbye!/ I’ll see you later

  • Greetings: Hi, Hello, Good morning/evening/afternoon/night Farewell: Have a great day, see you later, bye!

  • “pleasure to meet you” works GREAT as a greeting and as a farewell as well.

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    As you almost certainly know already, “Hello” and “Hi” are the most popular greetings for informal situations.  Some greeting can be used as farewell : Saying goodbye OK. Bye. Good night. Thanks for a lovely evening.

  • Great question and I can break them down into formal and informal. FORMAL GREETINGS: - Good morning |afternoon| evening - How do you do? (although not used often still formal) INFORMAL GREETINGS: - Hey/Hi there - What's up? FORMAL FAREWELLS: - Goodbye - Have a good day |afternoon| evening - Farewell - Until we meet again INFORMAL FAREWELLS: - Catch you later - Toodles - Bye

  • Hi, Hiya, Al-right, Hey, Hello, Wassup, My man! So good to see. you, good to see you, it's been too long... See you later, See ya, Bye, Goodbye, Next time, See you next time, Later, talk soon, we'll chat (on the phone). It's kinda superstitious amongst my friend group that we never say 'Good bye'. It's kind of final and suggests we wont see each other again. Many friend groups have their own catchphrase. Often they'll be taken from films, and they are meant to be funny, and sound stupid: Wazzzup, Hey man how's it hangin. Sometimes you can tell the age of a friend group by the catchphrase they use.

  • Common greetings include “Hello”, “Hi”, and “Hey” common farewells include “Goodbye”, “See you latter”.

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