What advice would you give to someone who is just starting to learn a new language such as English?

7 answers from our tutors

Best answer

It is usually tasking to learn a new language, especially when it is completely different from your native language. The best way to keep up is to maintain a positive mindset towards learning, communicate in the new language as much as possible and persevere even when it seems so difficult.

  • If you are a beginner to English then follow these; 1. Walk English 2. Talk English 3. Eat English 4. Hear English 5. Sing English

  • The first thing I would suggest is to find a tutor who you can "connect" with and stick with them. Do not flit from tutor to tutor, as you will only be repeating yourself over and over again. What you should do next is to develop your listening, this is absolutely vital. And last but not least, make sure that you are having fun while learning your new language, otherwise you will be unmotivated and eventually you'll give up.

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  • Writing new words helps to learn them. Be patient with yourself, it takes time...

  • I would advice them to book lesson with me lol hehehe

  • Learning a new language comes with the fear of making mistakes. It is essential that you normalize the idea that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process. Even native speakers do make some errors every now and then in their own language. Accepting mistakes as a normal and necessary part of language learning will help you alleviate the fear associated with your learning.

  • Use the New Language Daily •And the best way to ensure you hit both marks is simply to use it daily. Keep having those mental monologues. Go over those 100 words and conversational phrases you learned so they stick. Better yet, immerse yourself in the new language. •There are tons of great resources for learning English available on the internet, make use of them! Listen to English podcasts, watch TV and movies, record yourself speaking and listen back, keep a journal and write every day in English, use grammar and vocabulary apps to learn new parts of the language.

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